
CHEAP HEAT | Candle Powered Space Heater |


What's going on 3rainiacs! It's getting cold outside! 'Tis the season for snuggling, fireplaces, and heat bills. Well maybe not. Recently, I'm guessing due to the temperature, there have been videos about creating candled powered space heaters to cut back on the heat bill costs. So... I had to try it. Why? Because if theseSubscribe to my YouTube channel to follow along!

little candled powered cheap devices can heat up a room, then these little suckers should be taught, or given to the homeless to provide them some heat through these cold months. There are also countries without heat that could benefit from these cheap devices! Think about it, beeswax is cheap. All you need is a wick, wax and fire to make a candle.. I made this device for less than $20, candles included, and I'm sure there are cheaper ways to develop this device. This is the first installment to the Cheap Heat segment, I will be discovering a more efficient way to heat your homes for cheap during these cool months!

As for the heater, does it take longer to heat up a room? Yes, but that is only a small price to pay for some extra cash in your pocket! Does it work? I completely turned the heat off in my house for a full day just to test it's efficiency. The heater brought my room from ridiculously cold, to "I can walk around the room with my undies, a hoodie, and socks on." Give it a shot yourself! Share the video with friends you know that need some warmth in your life. I've also seen some pretty nifty candled powered space heaters that use three clay pots! Here is the link to the video: http://youtu.be/t5PA-Blw7G8

In the video I briefly discuss that the space heater creates a convection current, but I would like to go into further detail about convection currents so you can better understand how this gizmo works! If you have ever taken any grade school science class, I'm sure you've gone over this topic. Convection currents can be made by any body of matter. The basics of how a convection current works is simple. When matter is heated, it becomes less dense, and when matter is cool it becomes more dense. As the less dense matter rises, the more dense matter falls. That is why when you are hot you tend to want to lay in the lowest area you can find. By looking at the figure to the left, you can see how the candle creates a small convection current in the air. The device that we created captures the heat of five flames, and adds more surface area to create a bigger convection current in the air. Once the air rises from the holes in the second pot, it creates a convection current of cool air that enters the bottom of the second pot, that then takes the heat from the first pot, and rises out of the holes into the air! The diagram below is an example of how a radiator creates convection currents to heat up a room. The candle powered space heater uses the exact same method. 


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