How it works:
The works Bomb is actually a “pressure bomb” cause by Hydrogen gas build up. The reaction that is happening is caused by the Hydrochloric Acid in the toilet bowl cleaner, and the Aluminum foil [ Reaction: 6HCl+4Al--->2Al2Cl3+3H2 ]. With the pressure build up, the bottle eventually explodes.
What You Need:
- The works
- 12 oz plastic bottle
- Aluminum Foil
Step One: Make about 10 aluminum foil balls a bit smaller than the bottles neck.
Step Two: Pour “The Works” in the bottle about 1/4 of the way. (3/4 of the bottle should be empty)
Step Three: Place aluminum foil balls into the bottle
Step Four: Close the bottle tight, and quickly!
Step Five: ???
Step Six: Watch the explosion.